RosNOU students share 3rd prize in Chinese Poetry Reading Competition

29 September 2021

On 21 September 2021, Jiangsu Second Normal University (JSSNU), RosNOU’s partner university in China, held the Poetry Reading Competition for International Students “Enjoy the Bounty Autumn Moon, Build a Dream of Peace”. The competition coincided with the International Day of Peace and the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.   

От РосНОУ в конкурсе приняли участие трое студентов Гуманитарного института, изучающих китайский язык: Ильдар Некрасов (4 курс, «Лингвистика»), Милана Курбанова (5 курс, «Перевод и переводоведение») и Татьяна Терентьева (5 курс, «Перевод и переводоведение»).  

Ildar and Tatiana shared impressions of their participation in the competition.   

The competition was held in the online mode, and the only working language was Chinese. Among the participants, there were students from Russia, China, and Indonesia. Everybody read out Chinese poems they had chosen themselves, and one of the participants even sang a song in Chinese.    
In the beginning, organizers determined the order in which the participants were to declaim poems by generating a random number from 1 to 15 (I got the number 9). After that, we proceeded with the poem reciting.   
Incidentally, all the participants, with no exception, had prepared perfectly for the event. They recited poems so well that all the listeners could see beyond the surface (内行看门道,外行看热闹) of the poetry dedicated to the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节).   
As for me, I was on pins and needles first, but persistence and several rehearsals helped me overcome my nervousness, —精卫填海. I am sure that patience and hard work will get us to a high level of Chinese language knowledge and poem declamation (用枪刺穿侵占第一位).

Ildar Nekrasov 

In total, there were 15 participants in the competition, mostly from Russia and Indonesia. Some of the participants were exchange students that had come to JSSNU to study. The atmosphere of the competition was very cozy and friendly, with beautiful music and poems – just in the spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Jury consisted of a few teachers who assessed the participants on a scale of 0 to 100. After that, each participant was given their average score. The general level of all the students was very high. I don’t remember who won the first and second prizes, but our results were pretty good. For instance, my score was 94 out of 100.

Tatiana Terentyeva

The Jury awarded Ildar, Milana, and Tatiana with the Honorable Third Prize.  

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