The best travel blogger studies at RosNOU

7 March 2022
Author: Press-sluzhba RosNOU

Anastasia Melnikova who studies at RosNOU College* has won the competition «Moscow through the eyes of youth». The results of the competition were announced at the end of 2021.

More than 120 works on five topics were submitted for the competition. Anastasia won in the nomination «I am the best travel blogger».

The student learned about the competition from her teacher of Speech Culture Lyubov P. Akulova and decided to take part.

The participants had to complete two tasks: write an essay and make a thematic one-minute video. In the essay and video, Anastasia talked about the 16 Tons Club, Garage Museum of Modern Art, and Red Square. She chose the sights based on her own impressions and friends' advice.

Anastasia doesn’t consider herself a blogger, though. According to her, she can express her ideas in social networks but she is not trying to get as many subscribers as possible and influence them.

Anastasia spoke with RosNOU’s Press Office about the prospects of the blogger profession:

— In my opinion, video blogging is now moving more towards show business. Today, bloggers appear on television and give interviews that get a large number of views. Their private lives are closely followed. Show business is developing which means that video blogging will not die or evolve and turn into something else. But people will always be curious about other people’s lives and other people’s opinion. This opinion has an impact on the audience. So it was, is and will be.

Anastasia Melnikova

The student is planning to become a qualified lawyer and after graduating from RosNOU College, she wants to continue her education at the Russian New University. — The teaching staff is very strong here. Many professors work in the spheres they deliver lectures about, — notes Anastasia.

* a secondary vocational institution  

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