The course details:

International law regulates relations at the international level and so in this module you will study the theories, principles and processes of this system of law including its sources, legal personality, jurisdiction and responsibility. In addition you will also explore substantive issues in the regulation of activities at the international context, including the use of force, dispute settlement processes, and the protection of human rights.

Moreover, the course is to equip you with a thorough understanding of the key features of the specific entities’ integration law and its legal order (EU, Eurasian Customs Union). Such entities represent the product of several decades of economic, political and legal integration between its Member States. Initially, this process focused primarily on economic cooperation. However, today the entities’ activities cover a much broader range of subjects, including policies on the internal market, environment, transport, consumer protection, energy and questions of foreign and security policy.

Finally, the course will help you understand and evaluate how law might protect the environment in the wider context of environmental and energy policy. You will be asked to reflect on why law attempts to regulate activity, particularly in relation to energy infrastructure, production and consumption that might have impacts on the environment and to consider both the different types of regulation employed, with particular reference to energy regulation and the environmental media (land, air and water) that the law looks to protect.

Although students unfamiliar with international law are welcome to enroll in this course, they might face certain challenges with extensive amount of case-law and legal materials.


The course details:

This course provides an introduction to, and critical examination of, contemporary theoretical approaches to world politics. The study of conceptual frameworks in International Relations (IR) is important for how it can enhance our understanding of the dynamics of politics, including why and how the political world takes its existing forms. Theory is also the centre of gravity in the field of IR, providing points of collaboration and contestation between scholars on the nature of international political enquire. The course explores a set of debates that turn around the definition and interpretation of key concepts such as structure, anarchy, power, identity. We will survey the key ‘isms’ of the field, realism, liberalism, constructivism, Marxism and feminism. These will be related to one another historically and conceptually and we will question the perceived distinctiveness of these traditions, by drawing links between them. 

The course is equally suitable for non-international relations students and those already familiar with this research field.

Courses duration: 3 weeks (18 in class academic hours per week, total 108 hours including practice)

Course registration and visa formalities: Visa Support (incl. express post delivery), Medical Insurance Services, Official Certificate Award from the Department of Law, Meeting and Transfer from/to Airport

One group capacity: 10-12 students

Accommodation: RosNOU Students Dormitory*

Additional services (cultural program): Moscow sightseeing tour and everyday after class cultural activities

Special requirements: International passport valid minimum 18 months on the day of submission

Registration fee (to be paid before arrival upon document submission): 100 USD

Total Group Course fee (incl. Registration fee): 1300 USD

*Possible to stay at the RosNOU Veles Park Hotel (http://www.hotelveles.ru) with the extra charge of 30 USD per day

The programs could be organized on the individual bases.

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact the International Affairs & Academic Mobility Directorate:

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