Moscow City Duma Deputy Magomet Yandiev discusses state and municipal finances with RosNOU students

19 April 2021
Author: Press-sluzhba RosNOU

On April 13, 2021, Moscow City Duma Deputy Magomet Yandiev visited the Russian New University (RosNOU) and spoke about state and municipal management and finance. Communication with a representative of the government has become a kind of practical lesson for students of the Institute of Economics, Management and Finance of RosNOU.

Students were interested in the sources of financing of the municipal government in Moscow, the issues of the effectiveness of the municipal government, the activity of the capital's media coverage of the problems of Muscovites.

During his speech, the deputy spoke about what the municipal government does, about the specifics of the work of the municipal deputy, the forms of interaction between the municipal government and citizens, and communications between city government institutions.

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Tamara B. Solomatina, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Institute of Economics, Management and Finance, RosNOU:

It was useful for the students to meet with a representative of the municipal government. The meeting undoubtedly served as a more in-depth understanding of the discipline "State and Municipal Finance", became an example of the practical application of the knowledge gained during the study of this discipline.

Galina Epikhina, Director of the RosNOU Institute of Economics, Management and Finance:

The visit of a representative of the government is an important event for our institute. Especially if it is not just a meeting with students, but a lecture on the topic of management. The deputy of the Moscow City Duma Magomet Yandiev spoke to third-year students studying in the majors of "Finance and Credit", "Accounting" and "State and Municipal Administration".

I note that among the teachers of the Institute of Economics, Management and Finance and the chairmen of the State Commission, there are many famous people with experience in leadership and management activities. Vadim Medvedev, an employee of the Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Maxim Krivonogov, a former First Deputy Head of the Administration of the City Settlement of Voskresensk in the Moscow Region, Yulia Nazarova, an Adviser to the Department for Ensuring the Activities of the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights, and the Chairman of the State Commission for State and Municipal Administration in 2021, conducted classes with the students.

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