RosNOU Re-enters the Forbes List

28 June 2019
On June 27, 2019, Forbes Magazine for the second time published a List of the best Russian universities.

The basis of the list was taken from monitoring data on the effectiveness of more than 1,000 higher education institutions prepared by the Ministry of Education, as well as biographies of more than 1,600 representatives of the Russian elite – members of the Forbes list and their children, heads of private and public companies, officials and deputies. The methodology took into account the quality of education, statistical data on the employment of graduates, their relevance in the regions, the number of entrepreneurs.

The data of universities were analyzed by ten metrics grouped into three components: the quality of education, the quality of graduates and the Forbes factor, which takes into account the “elitism” of the educational institution and the share of entrepreneurs in the total number of graduates.

For the second time in a row, the Russian New University (RosNOU) entered the list of the 100 best universities in Russia according to the Forbes, taking 96th place (total score 37.91). NUST "MISiS" headed the Forbes list (54.11 points), MGIMO took second place, MIPT - third, MEPI - fourth, and Moscow State University - fifth.

According to the indicator “Graduates' Demand”, RosNOU took 51st place, “Quality of Education” – 90th, “Forbes Factor” – 29th.

Universities for future elite. 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes (in Russian)

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