RosNOU enters the top 75 influential universities in Russia

12 March 2020
On March 11, 2020, the RAEX rating agency published a list of 75 Russian universities that have the greatest impact on society

The sources of information for the rating were university profiles and data from independent sources: monitoring the employment of graduates made by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Web Of Science Core Collection database, Wikipedia Internet encyclopedia, Alexa Web Analytics Company, VK and Facebook social networks, and RAEX agency's own data.


As criteria of influence were selected:

  1. Formation of elites – the number of graduates who have become top managers of the largest companies in Russia or have achieved great success in other areas;

  2. Impact on the scientific community – number of scientific publications and citation;

  3. The authority among young people – what Unified State Examination’s score is required for admission, how much tuition on a contract basis costs and how many Olympiads’ winners go to university;

  4. Influence on the Internet audience – number of subscribers on social media, number of regular visits on the university’s website and Wikipedia page.

In the RAEX ranking of influence, the first five positions were taken by Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and RANEPA.

The Russian New University (RosNOU) took 53rd place in the rating – 45th place in terms of authority among young people, 86th in terms of influence on the scientific community, 46th in terms of elite formation and 71st in terms of influence on Internet audience.

Rating results on the RAEX website (on russian)

Rating Agency RAEX

Rating Agency RAEX Russian credit rating agency included in the register of credit rating agencies of the Bank of Russia. In 2014,«Expert RA» creates a holding structure, «International RAEX Group (RAEX)» to develop business in foreign countries. In 2015, «RAEX Analytics» (RAEX), which publishes the RAEX Rating Review magazine, was separated from Expert RA.

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