Meeting of RosNOU Rector with representatives of student associations

19 February 2021

On February 18, 2021, representatives of the Russian New University's student associations met with Rector Vladimir A. Zernov and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Grigory A. Shabanov.

The meeting was organized by the Department of Youth Affairs and the Student Council of the University.

Before the discussion began, Vladimir A. Zernov asked not to be shy in asking questions, quoting Pyotr L. Kapitsa: "There are no stupid questions, there are not smart answers." The rector also added that despite the pandemic, RosNOU continues to develop. Russian New University was recognized as the best private university in Russia and entered the leading international rankings. Vladimir A. Zernov thanked the students for well-passed exams and for helping the teachers to organize distance learning.

The participants of the meeting also discussed the right of everyone to their own civil position, to their own opinion about what is happening in the country and the world.

— I am convinced that the main patriot is the one who has done well for the country and the world, — said the rector of RosNOU.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Student Council of the university and the Student Councils of the institutes, the Student Scientific Society, the Student Media Center, the Volunteer Corps, and the Career Development Center.

The meeting lasted an hour. The participants discussed the procedure for assigning elective subjects, the schedule for the start of classes and the work of the reading room, the need to create a leisure zone for students in the university building, the number of hours of a foreign language, and other questions and suggestions that students sent to the chairman of the RosNOU Student Council, Nikita Seleznev.

The management noted that the main point is the initiative of the students themselves. If there will be an initiative, there will be the university’s support.

At the end of the meeting, Vladimir Zernov congratulated the male students on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day, and the female students on the International Women’s Day. Rector reminded that if students have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, they can directly contact him by email rector@rosnou.ru or come to the rector’s reception: "We do not have office hours. If you have an issue or problem to discuss — you can come at any time."

Elida Bikiteeva, E-NOTE Student Media Center

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