1. Lomonosov Moscow State University (19th place in the global ranking)
2. HSE (120th place)
3. MEPhI (145th place)
4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (257th place)
5–6. MISiS (301st-350th place)
5–6. Sechenov University (301st-350th place)
7–8. MGIMO (351st–400th place)
7–8. RANEPA (351st–400th place)
9. RUDN (451st–500th place)
10–11. Pirogov Russian National research Medical University (501st–550th place)
10–11. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (501st–550th place)
12–13. MAI (701st–800th place)
12–13. Gubkin University (701st–800th place)
14. MPEI (801st–900th place)
15–17. VAVT (901st–1000th place)
15–17. MIET (901st–1000th place)
15–17. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (901st–1000th place)
18. MGSU (1001st–1100th place)
19–21. MSLU (1201st–1300th place)
19–21. Russian State Agrarian University Moscow Timiryazer Agricultural Academy (1201st–1300th place)
19–21. Herzen University (1201st–1300th place)
22–27. MGPU (1301st–1400th place)
22–27. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (1301st–1400th place)
22–27. MPGU (1301st–1400th place)
22–27. RSUH (1301st–1400th place)
22–27. MIIT (1301st–1400th place)
22–27. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (1301st–1400th place)
28–30. State University of Management (1401st–1500th place)
28–30. MADI (1401st–1500th place)
28–30. Moscow Polytech (1401st–1500th place)
31–33. STANKIN Moscow State University of Technology (1501st–1650th place)
31–33. Russian State University named after A.N.Kosygin (1501st–1650th place)
31–33. RosNOU (1501st–1650th place in the global ranking)