RosNOU Appears on QS BRICS Ranking

18 October 2018
On October 17, 2018, the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) published a rating of universities of BRICS countries – QS BRICS 2019.

QS BRICS University Rankings includes 400 top universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. 101 Russian universities lead the way at QS BRICS rating – 99 state and 2 private academic institutions, including Russian New University (RosNOU) – 351st-400th place. Among Russian universities, the highest ranks were taken by Lomonosov Moscow State University (6th place), SPbSU (11th), Novosibirsk State University (12th), Tomsk State University (19th), and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (21st).

Universities were rated by several indicators, including citation in scientific journals, international activities, and number of academic staff with scientific degrees, academic reputation and employer credibility.

Vladimir A. Zernov: QS University Rankings BRICS 2018 is a reputational ranking that is not easy for Russian private universities to be included in. In Russia, private academic institutions are younger than state universities and are regularly subjected to harassment in the press, which negatively affects their public image and public attitude. There are mainly private universities in the top part of any world ranking. The reason is that the efficient use of resources in private universities is much higher than in the state ones. Besides, the cost of entering of resource base, educational buildings and dormitories for private universities is 4-6 times lower than for the state ones. There is a similar situation in the science and innovative activity – the cost of scientific discoveries, patents.

Зернов Владимир Алексеевич

Earlier, RosNOU appeared on the top 100 Russian universities rating prepared by the rating agency RAEX (Expert RA), which passed an international audit of the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. Also, the university is included to the list of the best universities of the world according to the Round University Rankings and to the top 100 Russian universities according to Forbes.


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