RosNOU is among the top 5 highly sought Russian universities in the field of management

24 March 2020
On March 24, 2020, the Social Navigator project of the Russia Today International News Agency released the annual “Rating of the Highly Sought Universities in the Russian Federation”. In 2019, 436 state, municipal and private higher education organizations were included in the rating

The ranking was based on three indicators (commercialization of the intellectual product of universities; quoting the work of employees; the proportion of graduates who received a job) in six categories of universities (agricultural, classical, humanitarian, medical, engineering and universities in the field of management).

The Russian New University (RosNOU) took 5th place among 59 universities in the field of management.

Top 10 universities in the ranking of the highly sought universities in the Russian Federation in the category “Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Management (Economics, Finance, Law)”

  1. Russian School of Economics
  2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  3. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  4. National Research University Higher School of Economics
  5. Russian New University
  6. Russian State University of Tourism and Service
  7. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade
  8. Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)
  9. Samara State University of Economics
  10. St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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