RosNOU Is Among World’s Top Universities

20 September 2019
On September 19, 2019, Association of Ranking Compilers published Moscow International Ranking “The Three University Missions” (MosIUR).

On September 19, 2019, Association of Compilers of Ratings, Rankings and Other Performance Evaluations (ACR) published the list of the best world universities according to Moscow International University Ranking “The Three University Missions” (MosIUR).

MosIUR rating evaluates three key university missions: education, science and cooperation with society. Ranking results were presented by Director Gen eral of the RAEX Ranking Agency (RAEX-Analytics) Dmitry E. Grishankov and Rector of Moscow State University Viktor A. Sadovnichiy.

They noted that short-list of the MosIUR Ranking included 1,700 universities from 112 countries (primarily leading universities according to IREG national rankings, selected from 28,000 world universities), and the final version included 1,200 universities from 79 countries.

As a result, the list of the best 1,200 universities did not include universities of two categories. These are either universities that do not have noticeable achievements, that is, they are indistinguishable at the international level, or universities that do not disclose their activities or do not fully do so.

Виктор Антонович Садовничий
Viktor A. Sadovnichiy, Rector of Moscow State University

The first five countries of MosIUR Ranking included: USA - 212 universities, China – 111 universities, UK – 94 universities, Russia – 74 universities, Japan – 65 universities. Russia accounts for 6% of the world's best universities.

According to the ranking results, the Russian New University (RosNOU) entered the interval group of 1101–1200 in the world ranking and in the interval group of 59–74 among Russian universities.

As information sources MosIUR uses open-source data from official websites of universities and national authorities as well as data from international independent sources: Clarivate Analytics (provider of data and metrics from InCites and Global Institutional Profiles Project (GIPP)); Elsevier (owner of Scopus, a bibliographic and abstract database); online platforms for mass education Coursera and edX; Wikipedia, a multilingual open-source encyclopedia; search engines Google, Yandex, Baidu; social networks Facebook, Twitter, VK, Sina Weibo; Alexa, one of the world's leading companies in the sphere of web analytics; websites of international student competitions; websites of science awards from  IREG List of International Academic Awards.

According to the compilers of the rating, the international recognition of MosIUR will strengthen the position of Russian universities in other global rankings, and will also allow solving some problems of higher education management, including becoming the basis for assessing the potential of a university when determining the target admission levels.

Russian segment of the rating "The Three University Missions" (in Russian)

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