RosNOU students in China

29 February 2024
RosNOU students completed an internship in China.

As part of the agreement between the Russian New University and the Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU), the Department of International Partnership and Academic Mobility sent five students from the Humanities Institute of RosNOU to the city of Hangzhou (PRC) for a linguistic internship. Valeria Chelnokova, a participant of the program, told about the reasons for studying Chinese, preparation for internship and peculiarities of life in the Celestial Empire.

The Department of International Partnership and Academic Mobility offered Valeria and other students of the Humanities Institute to participate in an exchange program with RosNOU’s partner universities in China. The internship involved studying at a Chinese university for one semester with the goal of cultural immersion, in-depth language learning and cultural exchange. The courses studied at ZISU were credited to students as part of the RosNOU curriculum.

Our curriculum consisted of four main subjects: general Chinese, listening, speaking, and Chinese culture. In addition, there were different sections, such as kung fu or calligraphy, and activities like excursions and trips to festivals, — Valeria said.

Chinese language is a promising and interesting direction, but not everyone dares to choose it for learning. RosNOU students approached the choice of language consciously — they know exactly why Chinese.

There are quite a lot of reasons to learn Chinese, — Valeria explained her choice. — First, China has a rich culture and a long history of over seven thousand years. This country is the cultural progenitor of all of Asia. The second reason is that with China we can cooperate seamlessly. Third, the Chinese language is gaining popularity in Russia, so people with knowledge of Chinese are in demand on the labor market. Many more reasons could be listed, but it is especially important that the student has a personal sympathy and interest. In my opinion, this is the main reason for choosing a particular language, a particular country, and also the best motivator.

The preparation for the trip took the students about two months: they had to fill out papers, send and receive all the necessary documents, and go through an online interview. When all formalities were completed, the students met at the airport and eventually set off for China. Upon arrival, they were accommodated at the university’s dormitory for foreigners.

We lived on the campus of Zhejiang International Studies University, which is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a very beautiful place, very clean, modern, quiet, safe and well maintained town surrounded by mountains and lakes. We lived in a small four-story building. The rooms were designed for two people, each room had a shower, a balcony and air conditioning, the door to the rooms was locked with a code lock.

The internship in China began with a welcoming ceremony and... vacation. Russian students were given two weeks to explore the campus, the city, and get used to the local way of life. The university management organized sightseeing tours for them.

Afterwards, studies began, and life in China gradually became routine. Outside of class, we had completely free time, which we spent learning about China. Little by little, finding more courage, we started traveling to other cities, like Shanghai or Shaoxing.

It was not easy for Russian students to get used to spicy food, lack of central heating and large-scale New Year’s Eve celebrations. But the purpose of the visit — communication with native speakers — met all expectations.

In such a short period of time, we managed to make an amazing number of new acquaintances. Most of them were Chinese students studying Russian. The communication helped us to practice the language and get to know better the peculiarities of life in China. The Chinese are very kind and responsive. The spirit of collectivization is very much felt in Chinese society. People are used to work harmoniously and diligently. Also, they are not arrogant, boastful, or abusive of power.

The trip to China, according to the students, was a wonderful experience that filled their lives with new knowledge and unforgettable impressions. They managed to get to know Chinese culture better, immerse themselves in the language environment, see new places, and also make new acquaintances with students from other Russian universities, from Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Ireland and more.

I would like to go back to China again and more than once. There are so many places worth visiting in this country that you won’t be able to see everything in one visit (or even two). I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to everyone who helped me: the International Partnership Department of RosNOU, the host university and, of course, my parents, — Valeria shared her impressions.

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