
Adindex: «Students are our future employees»
Adindex publishing house told RosNOU students about the opportunities to start a career
About conducting classes in RosNOU from September 1
First-hand experience: how to live and study in the new academic year
Interview with the Rector of RosNOU
RosNOU graduates receive diplomas
450 graduates of RosNOU were awarded diplomas.
RosNOU takes third place in Moscow demand for personnel management graduates
The Russian Internet recruitment company HeadHunter (hh.ru) published a rating of faculties of Moscow universities.
The first cycle of classes «University of Professions» is held at RosNOU
RosNOU holds Moscow Career Guidance Olympiad quest
RosNOU professor receives IAAR international expert on the quality of education certificate
RosNOU students become laureates for best scientific presentation
22 RosNOU students become winners and laureates of the photo contest «In the Focus»
RosNOU young researchers discuss the coronavirus impact on various sectors of the economy and business
One of the main topics of the conference was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business processes in various sectors of the economy.
Management and Advertising and Public Relations are among the best educational programs in Russia
Student of the Institute of Business Technologies of RosNOU wins student research contest
Four institutes of RosNOU are included in the HeadHunter rating
On June 1, 2020, the Russian Internet recruitment company HeadHunter (hh.ru) published a rating of faculties of Moscow universities (faculties and universities) in nine professional fields.
RosNOU students win the hotel and tourism business Olympiad
On April 28, 2020, students of the Russian New University (RosNOU) took part in the II International Inter-University Scientific and Practical Olympiad "Hotel and Tourism Business Development Strategies", which was held in an online format
RosNOU master’s degree students study Yandex digital communications tools
On April 25, 2020, six first-year students in the master’s degree programme in Advertising and Public Relations successfully passed exams and received personal certificates from Yandex

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