«This Space Race has been an incredible adventure!»

16 April 2024
The university team took part in the second round of the Universities League.

This year’s sports and entertainment show “Universities League” is held in a new format. There are three qualifying rounds where everyone can test oneself in strength, speed, endurance and wit. Each round is timed to a certain date. The first, “Student Race”, was dedicated to the Student’s Day. The second stage, “Space Race”, was dedicated to the Cosmonautics Day. The last qualifying stage — “Race of the Determined” — will be held on the Russia Day.

200 students from 20 universities of the city took part in the Space Race tests. The teams went through three stages: a quiz, a rocket-building task, and a sports obstacle course. In addition to the competitive part, a rich interactive program was prepared for the participants.

The Russian New University was represented by students from different courses:

  • Daniil Kalushin, 1st year, Humanities Institute;
  • Darya Bunygina, 4th year, Institute of Economics, Management and Finance;
  • Dmitry Minaev, 1st year, Humanities Institute;
  • Ekaterina Lopaeva, 1st year, Humanities Institute;
  • Nikita Brusko, 1st year, Institute of Economics, Management and Finance;
  • Svetlana Osipova, 1st year, Humanities Institute;
  • Semyon Semenchenkov, 4th year, Institute of Economics, Management and Finance;
  • Yulia Krasnova, 2nd year, Humanities Institute;
  • Yulia Platitsyna, 2nd year, Institute of Business Technologies;
  • Yuri Arzhantsev, 1st year, Institute of Business Technologies.

This Space Race was an incredible adventure! Together with my team, we overcame obstacles, fighting to the last. It was an incredibly inspiring and exciting experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. Building your own spacecraft was a serious challenge, and competition with other teams only fueled the excitement of victory. I’m proud to have been a part of this race and can’t wait to participate in another competition like this. The space race is epic!

Daniil Kalushin
1st year, Humanities Institute

The space race was not just another competition, it made us feel like a real family. You can’t selfishly run and take your place, you have to help every member of the team. This makes all participants one. There was no thought of giving up or stopping, just the call of the heart and the spirit of association from RosNOU “Dasha and Friends”. We had the most caring support team. The guys were worried about everyone and cheered like it was the last time. We did all this for the sake of striving to be the best, for the sake of our friends, for the sake of RosNOU.

Nikita Brusko
1st year, Institute of Economics, Management and Finance
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