RosNOU’s program «Software Technology» gets APKIT’s accreditation

4 February 2022
Author: Press-sluzhba RosNOU

Russian New University (RosNOU) has received a certificate of professional accreditation for the Bachelor program «Software Technology». (field of study 02.03.03 «Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems»)

The program was accredited by the Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association «APKIT». The association evaluated the program in terms of its compliance with the professional standard «Programmist» (Russian for «Programmer»). The meeting of APKIT’s Council for Professional Qualifications of IT programs was held on 29 December 2021, and the university received the certificate of professional accreditation on 31 January 2022.

— For us, the recognition of the quality of the program’s contents and our graduates' level of training by the Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association is of particular importance as it is the recognition by an association of professionals who work in the IT field and who are the ones for whom universities train students.

Today, no field of activity, be it medicine, education, or transport, is complete without the use of information technology and the work of programmers who not only create software products but also adapt them to the needs of a particular organization. If we look at the number of budget places allocated to universities by the government, their share in the field of information systems and computer technologies keeps on growing every year.

This field of study is among the most in-demand and forward-looking ones. It is absolutely impossible to imagine the future of our society without IT specialists.

Igor V. Darda, Vice-Rector for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation

At the end of 2021, four other educational programs of RosNOU got accredited by the Cross-Cultural Accreditation Council and Professional Accreditation Agency (Russian «Profakredaghentstvo»): «Finance and Credit» (field of study «Economics»), «Organization of Business Management» (field of study «Management»), «Primary Education» (field of study «Pedagogical Education»), and Master’s program «Economics and Financial Management» (field of study «Economics»).

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