Dear students, professors, and administrative staff of the university,

I congratulate you on the Knowledge Day and the beginning of another academic year!

The Day of Knowledge is an important day not only for those who are engaged in education and support its unshakeable foundations, but also for those who love learning and are interested in everything new.

Our country has always understood the value of education and had a special attitude to the Knowledge Day, and I hope this will remain its tradition. Being the successor of the Russian Empire and the USSR, modern Russia pays great attention to education. And I am confident that our university is one of the active participants in the development and enhancement of this sphere.

We do our utmost to improve education quality, develop the scientific-research component of education, and carry out the educational process in close contact with employers.

We are proud of our students and graduates who show excellent results in different academic competitions. There is no doubt that our young specialists will successfully tackle the challenges of the future and will find solutions to complicated problems of the modern world.

All this would be impossible without the coordinated teamwork of the university’s staff, enthusiastic and responsible attitude of our teachers to what they do, and the thirst for knowledge of the students.

Getting knowledge and sharing it with others are great joys. I hope that despite all the difficulties the educational process will be the most interesting subject in life both for students and teachers.

Vladimir A. ZERNOV
Rector of Russian New University
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