RosNOU students presented their works for the qualifying stage of the «Russian Student Spring»

19 April 2024
The RosNOU student media center took part in the competitions of the IX Open Festival of Moscow Student Creativity.

The participants presented to experts their works under the general theme “Moscow — the Youth Capital of Russia”.

Anastasia Chupik (Business Technologies, 2nd year) in the Artistic Photography nomination decided that young people are Moscow. Therefore, she captured in her lens the sights of the capital (the Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theater, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior) and their human archetypes.

Head of the Media Center Arut Melkonyan (Business Technologies, 4th year) and Andrey Filimonov (Business Technologies, 2nd year) in the nomination “Video Reportage” showed how modern design trends and youth leisure activities can organically develop in historical places of Moscow, such as “HES” or “Vinzavod”.

Sima Kuznetsova and Dasha Burasheva (Business Technologies, 2nd year) promoted the festival itself in their video, using the concept of recording the phone screen and the main tool of communication among young people — Telegram. Violetta Vashchaeva (Business Technologies, 2nd year) in the category “Publication” wrote a text about her personal experience of moving and adapting to a new city: a story familiar to everyone who came to study in Moscow.

Oleg Sarkisov (Business Technologies, 2nd year), last year’s winner, used the concept of a bridge in his brandbook. His idea was to establish a connection between the contest participants, its organizers, and those who follow the festival online, just as bridges connect the shores.

Lisa Samoylova (Humanities Institute, 2nd year) in the nomination “Reportage Photo” caught different young people of Moscow in different circumstances of the big city — from going to a stand-up concert, to kissing goodbye at a bus stop.

Slava Kosarev (Business Technologies, 2nd year) and Nika Chernysheva (Humanities Institute, 1st year) in their podcast used the sounds of Moscow instead of music — the hum of cars, the announcements of metro stations, the noise of restaurants — all of this is the life of the city.

We were really looking forward to the Student Spring, because last time we were satisfied with both the preparation process and the results, despite the fact that we tried ourselves in the “media” format at the festival for the first time.

This time we decided to go to the contest with a larger group, to capture more nominations. This has its advantages, because more guys tried their hand, but also its disadvantages, because it was not possible to give each person the necessary time to help. Overall, I was pleased with our work. And although I realize that the competition is incredibly strong, because the best student media in Moscow are participating, I have high expectations from the results and I believe that we will go further.

Harut Melkonyan
Head of RosNOU Media Center

The results will be announced on May 16, and the winners will go to the All-Russian Student Spring in Saratov.

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RosNOU students presented their works for the qualifying stage of the “Russian Student Spring”
19 April 2024
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