RosNOU among 600 best BRICS universities
The pilot ranking of the member states’ universities has been presented.
RosNOU’s Rector Vladimir Zernov becomes co-head of joint ad hoc group to develop Three University Missions Ranking
The decision to set up the ad hoc group was made by the Council of the Russian Rectors’ Union and the executive committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
RosNOU at forefront of private education
9 educational programs at RosNOU get into First League of National Aggregated Ranking by Subject
Best private university in Russia
RosNOU is named the best university in the private sector of higher education
12 educational programs of RosNOU among Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia
RosNOU reconfirms its status of the best private university in Russia
Three private universities in Russia get into the world’s top list: Skoltech, Innopolis, and RosNOU
RosNOU gets into Top 450 universities of emerging Europe and Central Asia
On 15 December 2021, the Quacquarelli Symonds company presented its ranking of universities in emerging Europe and central Asia — QS EECA University Rankings 2022.
RosNOU tops the list of employers in WIE Program 2020/2021
RosNOU receives IAAR EUR Quality Star Award
Global Aggregated Ranking: RosNOU lands among world’s top universities
Experts have placed RosNOU into one group with such universities as MGIMO University, Moscow Aviation Institute, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, and 71 other Russian universities.

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