
Pavel Demidov: To really understand Dostoevsky, I had to go to China
First trip abroad, great love and specifics of red tape in China – RosNOU’s graduate, who works for a major Chinese company, shares his story of finding a path to success.
RosNOU diplomas get recognition in China
Best private university in Russia
RosNOU is named the best university in the private sector of higher education
RosNOU reconfirms its status of the best private university in Russia
The best travel blogger studies at RosNOU
Rector of RosNOU congratulates students and staff on Russian Science Day
RosNOU’s program «Software Technology» gets APKIT’s accreditation
RosNOU gets license for postgrad program «Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning»
RosNOU and University of Tuscia to launch double degree Master’s program in Economics
The language of instruction at the program will be English. Students of the two universities will also be able to study disciplines that are not on the curriculum at the receiving university in Russian and Italian languages respectively.
Adindex: «Students are our future employees»
Adindex publishing house told RosNOU students about the opportunities to start a career
First-hand experience: how to live and study in the new academic year
Interview with the Rector of RosNOU
Cisco Network Academy opens in RosNOU
Russian New University (RosNOU) joins the international educational program in the field of IT and cyber security Cisco Networking Academy.
RosNOU state accreditation to become indefinite
The changes will take effect on March 1, 2022.
RosNOU teachers release textbook for students of linguistic faculties

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