RosNOU Rector becomes academician of Russian Academy of Education

25 October 2024
Vladimir A. Zernov has become a full member of the Russian Academy of Education.

On 24th October, the Russian Academy of Education (RAE) held a general meeting and elections of academicians and corresponding members of the Academy. According to the elections results, the Rector of the Russian New University (RosNOU) Vladimir A. Zernov was elected a full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education.

In his speech at the panel session of the Vocational Education Department, Vladimir Zernov talked about the directions of his activities in recent years.

One of the main topics I’ve been pursuing is related to the competitiveness of universities and the development of criteria for their evaluation. This is particularly important in the context of creating a unified rating of BRICS universities. Another extremely important topic is the future of universities and universities of the future. Many countries look at us with hope, considering Russian education as a reference point and looking up to it. But in order to develop effectively ourselves, we need to understand in which direction to move and what to strive for. Unfortunately, at the moment there are very few good papers on this subject, and this gap needs to be filled.

Vladimir A. Zernov
RosNOU Rector

Prof. Zernov also noted that he has been immersed in the topic of public-private partnership for a long time, and as the rector of a non-state university, he has a lot to say and share. According to his observations, just 10-15 years ago the list of top universities in our country included almost exclusively state universities. But now the situation has changed, and private universities make up the majority of the list. Among other reasons, it has happened due to the high quality of the education they provide, their prestige and popularity.

The Rector of RosNOU also mentioned that his dream is to revive the popular science TV show “Evident, but Incredible”, albeit in a different iteration than it used to be back in the days of Sergei Kapitsa*. This is an absolute must-do as the motivation of schoolchildren to study natural sciences is falling and the number of those willing to pass the unified state exam in physics is steadily decreasing. Educational and popular science TV shows could ignite in children’s minds learning curiosity and the desire to engage in engineering and technical creativity.

“If we do not solve this problem, it is unreasonable to expect technological sovereignty in the future”, — concluded the Rector.


* Sergey Kapitsa (1928 — 2012) was a Russian physicist and demographer. He was best known as host of the popular long-running scientific TV show, Evident, but Incredible (1973-2012). From 1999 to 2012, Sergey Kapitsa was RosNOU’s scientific supervisor.

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