RosNOU College hosts «Week of Tourism»

21 February 2020
From January 28 to February 11, 2020, the “Week of Tourism” was held at the College of the Russian New University. Students of first, second and third degrees studying in the specialty “Tourism” participated in side events.

As a part of the “Week of Tourism”, the following events took place:

  1. Second-year students visited the “Dolphin” tour operator company, where they got acquainted with the company’s structure, official duties of employees, and features of the work in the tourism market, the necessary aspects of the formation of the tourist product.
  2. The employee of the “Ost-West” tour operator company told students about the specifics of the company’s work, about current changes in the domestic tourism, as well as about the requirements that today’s graduates should meet.
  3. Second-year students organized tours to Red Square and VDNH, with a visit to the Ostankino TV tower. Students applied in practice the knowledge gained in the “Organization of Leisure of Tourists” course.
  4. There was a round table “Career in Tourism”, where students discussed problems and prospects of work in this area.
  5. The “Brain Ring” was held, in the framework of which the second- and third-year students of the specialty “Tourism” checked the professional knowledge of the first-year students.

Thanks to the “Week of Tourism”, students received an opportunity to:

  • expand their knowledge of the chosen profession;
  • learn to design tourism products and services in accordance with the requirements of modern consumers (tours’ development and conduction);
  • put into practice the gained theoretical knowledge.
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