RosNOU discusses partnership between Russian and Japanese universities

25 September 2020

On September 25, 2020, the round table "Partnerships between Russian and Japanese Universities, Enterprises and Local Authorities. Exchange of Best Practices in Training Specialists for the Regions" held in online format. Event organizers were the Association of Higher Education Institutions of Russia and Japan, Hokkaido University, and Altai State University.

The round table was attended by representatives of the International Affairs & Academic Mobility Directorate of the Russian New University. RosNOU is the only private university out of 27 Russian universities accepted by the Association of Japanese and Russian Universities.

Association of Japanese and Russian Universities: About

The Association of Japanese and Russian Universities is an organization created to expand academic cooperation and develop academic mobility programs between Russian and Japanese universities.

At the time of signing the agreement on the establishment of the Association, it consisted of 21 universities on each side (a total of 42 universities); and by October 2019, the number of members of the Association increased to 27 universities on each side (a total of 54 universities).

In May 2018, the First Congress of the Association of Japanese and Russian Universities was held in Japan (Sapporo). In September 2019, the Second Congress was held in Russia (Moscow). In the future, it is planned to hold meetings in turn in Russia and Japan once in one and a half to two years (the next Congress is expected to be held in Niigata).


The participants shared their experience of cooperation within the framework of regional consortiums that unite universities, local authorities, and private companies. Besides, they discussed their background in organizing training of specialists taking into account the needs of the region. The round table named the problems that educational organizations have to face in the conditions of modern restrictions and suggested effective solutions through the development of hybrid forms of cooperation.

The exchange of working practices is one of the most relevant areas of cooperation between Russian and Japanese universities. Students of RosNOU who study Japanese can complete practical training in leading companies in Japan. At the moment, the issue of RosNOU joining the Association of Russian and Japanese Students is being discussed.

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