
Vladimir Zernov speaks at a meeting of the Council of the Russian Union of Rectors
On February 18, 2020, a meeting of the Council of the Russian Union of Rectors (RUR) was held in the main library of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
RosNOU delegation visits the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The conference «The Main Trends in the Development of the Modern Economy of Russia» held at RosNOU
On February 18, 2020, the inter-university scientific student conference “The Main Trends in the Development of the Modern Economy of Russia” took place in the Russian New University (RosNOU). The conference was organized by the Institute of Economics, Management and Finance of RosNOU. Students and teachers of the Russian New University and the State University of Management participated in the event.
Students of RosNOU College are laureates of the statistics competition
The team of RosNOU «Reasoners» wins the intellectual game «Vitruviada»
«When I start speaking in English, it is impossible to stop me»
On 12 February 2020, Anastasia Kurnakova, a sophomore student of the Russian New University (RosNOU) majoring in Linguistics, presented her poems at the meeting of the Union of Translators of Russia. RosNOU’s website reporter interviewed Anastasia.
The round-table discussion «Taxation of Foreign Citizens» is held at the Tax Institute of RosNOU
Experts of russian multinational corporation Yandex teach rosnou students
In February 2020, classes conducted by Yandex experts started at the Institute of Business Technologies of the Russian New University (RosNOU)
RosNOU Employee Receives Letter of Gratitude from State Duma Deputy
RosNOU takes part in the Conference «New Information Technologies in Education»
All-Russian Methodological Meeting on the Training of Translators is held at RosNOU
«Lifelong learning is above all else for a translator»
From January 27 to 29, 2020, the Third Winter School of Translation of the Russian Translators Union (RTU) was held at the Russian New University (RosNOU).
RosNOU Master’s Degree Students pass professional practice in Greece
«I Want to Teach Russian at a University in China»
On 16 January 2020, students from Jiangsu Second Normal University (JSSNU, Nanjing, China) who participated in the student exchange programme between their university and Russian New University (RosNOU) were granted course completion certificates.
Students from Hong Kong get acquainted with educational programs of RosNOU
On January 10, 2019, a presentation of the joint activities of RosNOU and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) was held at the Russian New University (RosNOU).
RosNOU Signs Cooperation Agreement with K.N. Toosi University of Technology in Tehran
On December 14, 2019, the management of Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology (KNTU, Tehran, Iran) received the joint delegation of three Russian universities – Moscow State University, MGIMO University and Russian New University (RosNOU). The delegation was headed by the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Aslan Kaskulov.

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