
RosNOU & K.N. Toosi University of Technology (Iran) open a joint programme in Linguistics
RosNOU holds a teleconference with Egypt
On 19 October 2020, Russian New University (RosNOU) participated in a teleconference with the Ministry of Health of the Arab Republic of Egypt and with the National Heart Institute of Egypt.
RosNOU stays the best private university of Russia
RosNOU discusses partnership between Russian and Japanese universities
RosNOU gets to top 100 Russian universities of MosIUR rating
On August 27, 2020, the Association of Compilers of Ratings, Rankings and Other Performance Evaluations (ASR) published the results of the Moscow International University Rating "The Three University Missions" (MosIUR).
RosNOU graduate wins the competition of International Federation of Translators
RosNOU is in Top-50 of the National University Ranking in Terms of Education
Face-to-face admission starts at RosNOU
RosNOU hosts «Human Rights Quiz» in online format
RosNOU and Sanskriti University start science and education cooperation
Natalia Pecheritsa: «Labor market changes: We must train personnel of the future»
RosNOU is the best private university in the National Aggregate Rating
On June 30, 2020, the Guild of Experts in Vocational Education and the National Accreditation Council presented the second version of the National Aggregate Rating.
RosNOU takes part in All-Russian student virtual graduation ceremony
On June 27, 2020, graduates of the Russian New University (RosNOU) joined the All-Russian virtual graduation ceremony.
RosNOU Takes part in the Fifth Forum of University Rectors of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran
RosNOU enters the world’s top-500 universities in terms of quality of education in the field of technical sciences
Management and Advertising and Public Relations are among the best educational programs in Russia

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