
RosNOU gets to top 33 universities in Moscow according to MosIUR ranking
There are two private universities among the best in Russia – RosNOU (Moscow) and Reaviz Medical University (Samara)
About conducting classes in RosNOU from September 1
First-hand experience: how to live and study in the new academic year
Interview with the Rector of RosNOU
New horizons of international cooperation in the African region
RosNOU graduates receive diplomas
450 graduates of RosNOU were awarded diplomas.
RosNOU’s Ph.D. student Razvi Syed Ata Ul Wahid: «I truly love my job — it’s a bridge between adherents of different societies and religions»
RosNOU takes third place in Moscow demand for personnel management graduates
The Russian Internet recruitment company HeadHunter (hh.ru) published a rating of faculties of Moscow universities.
Cisco Network Academy opens in RosNOU
Russian New University (RosNOU) joins the international educational program in the field of IT and cyber security Cisco Networking Academy.
RosNOU and Megatrend to open representative offices in Russia and Serbia
RosNOU becomes 33rd among Moscow universities and 1st among private ones
The Interfax Group presented the XII National Ranking of Universities.
RosNOU international students complete academic year
RFL: Russian as a Fascinating Language
Chinese students have completed a practical online course in the Russian language at RosNOU. In June 2021, 30 students of Jiangsu Second Normal University (JSSNU, Nanjing, China) completed language practice at the Institute of Technologies for Humanity of the Russian New University (RosNOU).
RosNOU state accreditation to become indefinite
The changes will take effect on March 1, 2022.
The Association of Lawyers of Russia includes RosNOU in the list of universities that provide high-quality legal education
On June 24, 2021, the Association of Lawyers of Russia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta published a list of law schools whose educational programs have valid professional and public accreditation.
RosNOU College hosts its first WorldSkills Exam
The exam was held as part of the State Final Certification in the "Banking" skills competencies.

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