
RosNOU teachers release textbook for students of linguistic faculties
RosNOU, Moscow Region State University and Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences to develop distance learning technologies
The subject of the agreement is cooperation in scientific research, development of information technologies and innovative activities, training of specialists who can work effectively in the changing conditions of the global market.
The igames team is on the Red Square
RosNOU and the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics invited the guests of the Red Square Festival to a space trip.
RosNOU is among RUR subject ratings in the field of natural and technical sciences
RosNOU Law Institute obtains professional and public accreditation
It concerns undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs.
National Aggregated Rating: RosNOU goes ahead of 516 Russian universities
The Guild of Experts in the Field of Professional Education has divided 687 universities into 10 leagues.
RosNOU remains the best private university in Russia
RAEX agency presented the X Annual Rating of the Best Universities in Russia RAEX.
«Applied Informatics and Computer Science» and «Management» are among the best educational programs in Russia
RosNOU Rector becomes a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education
On May 27, 2021, the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Education was held, at which 12 new academicians and 14 corresponding members of the Academy were elected.
RosNOU students visit Golden Ring towns
RosNOU College to host WorldSkills Exam
The Russian New University (RosNOU) became a Center for conducting a demonstration exam, accredited by WorldSkills Russia.
RosNOU announces results of Person of the Year Award
«Russia gives me an incredible experience!»
11 international students of RosNOU tell about their studies, life, and assimilation in Russia.
RosNOU hosts the Donor Day
RosNOU breaks into Top 50 Russian Universities of RUR 2021 World University Ranking
The ranking includes 867 universities, among which 95 are Russian ones (91 are state-funded and four are private).

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