
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia and RosNOU administration discuss academic cooperation
RosNOU and University of Tuscia to launch double degree Master’s program in Economics
The language of instruction at the program will be English. Students of the two universities will also be able to study disciplines that are not on the curriculum at the receiving university in Russian and Italian languages respectively.
RosNOU gets into Top 450 universities of emerging Europe and Central Asia
On 15 December 2021, the Quacquarelli Symonds company presented its ranking of universities in emerging Europe and central Asia — QS EECA University Rankings 2022.
RosNOU tops the list of employers in WIE Program 2020/2021
RosNOU’s Tax Institute gets professional public accreditation
For Bachelor and Master’s programs
RosNOU students win Juridical Business Game
Humanities Institute team takes first place and the prize of 100,000 rubles.
RosNOU receives IAAR EUR Quality Star Award
RosNOU professor wins the «Standardizer of the Year 2021» award
Practicing Psychologistst have got together in RosNOU for the 3rd Congress of the Association for the Sand Therapy
Global Aggregated Ranking: RosNOU lands among world’s top universities
Experts have placed RosNOU into one group with such universities as MGIMO University, Moscow Aviation Institute, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, National Research University of Electronic Technology MIET, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, and 71 other Russian universities.
RosNOU students share 3rd prize in Chinese Poetry Reading Competition
Director of RosNOU Center of Asia-Pacific Countries participates at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum
On September 23, 2021, a forum of mass media and analytical centers of the SCO countries was held in Beijing.
We cannot stay still
Private universities provide training according to state standards, but they lack state support
Adindex: «Students are our future employees»
Adindex publishing house told RosNOU students about the opportunities to start a career
Discussion on universities' accreditation indicators at the All-Russian People’s Front expert council’s meeting
Heads of universities discussed new accreditation indicators
International Sports Forum in Kazan: RosNOU presents devices for work-out sessions' optimization

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